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This function keeps the number of connections of each nodes in the graph but it rewires the partners of connections and produces modularity score. When it repeats multiple time, a modularity score distribution will be used to produce netbox loacl p-value.


localNullModel(netboxGraph, iterations = 30)



igraph network graph object. This igraph object contains NetBox algorithm identified network from geneConnector function


numeric value for number of iterations


a list of returned results

  • randomModularityScore: vector of modularity scores in the iterations of local re-wiring randomization process

  • randomMean: numeric value of mean of modularity scores in the iterations of local re-wiring randomization process

  • randomSD: numeric value of standard deviation of modularity scores in the iterations of local re-wiring randomization process

  • modularityScoreObs: numeric value of observed modularity score in the NetBox algorithm identified network

  • zScore: numeric value of z-score

  • pValueObs: numeric value of observed p-value


Eric Minwei Liu,



graphReduced <- networkSimplify(sifNetwork,directed = FALSE) 
#> Loading network of 9264 nodes and 157780 interactions
#> Treated as undirected network 
#> Removing multiple interactions and loops
#> Returning network of 9264 nodes and 68111 interactions


#> 274 / 517 candidate nodes match the name in the network of 9264 
#>                 nodes 
#> Only test neighbor nodes with local degree equals or exceeds 2
#> Multiple hypothesis corrections for 892 neighbor nodes in the network
#> For p-value 0.05 cut-off, 6 nodes were included as linker nodes
#> Connecting 274 candidate nodes and 6 linker nodes
#> Remove 208 isolated candidate nodes from the input
#> Final network contains 72 nodes and 152 interactions
#> Detecting modules using "leading eigenvector" method

#> [1] "netboxGraph"      "netboxCommunity"  "netboxOutput"     "nodeType"        
#> [5] "moduleMembership" "neighborData"    

# Suggested 1000 iterations. 
# Use 10 interations in the exampel to save running time. 
localTest <- localNullModel(netboxGraph=results$netboxGraph, iterations=10)
#> ###########
#> Based on 10 random trails
#> Random networks: mean modularity = 0.308
#> Random networks: sd modularity = 0.049
#> Observed network modularity is: 0.519
#> Observed network modularity z-score is: 4.348
#> One-tail p-value is: 6.861e-06